Blessed Herbal-Blockbuster

Blessed Herbal-Blockbuster

  • $20.00
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"What's red, shaped like a cylinder, has a wick, and can blow up any obstacles in your way? Hope your answer was going to be a Blockbuster candle, because that's what this is! Red is a lucky color, it brings blessings and drives off evil. Tying something with a red ribbon, string or cord ignites your magic. Blessing: The road is opened, my way is clear. Old blocks destroyed and new future is near. Balance and harmony grow by the hour, deepening my reserves of strength & power. In a burst of magic and flash of divine all evil dispelled my destiny aligned. So it is and so it will be, my blocks are busted and I am set free. Size: 1.5"x 7" Pillar Burn Time: 40 Hours Color: Red-Orange Scent: An explosion of scent, floral and citrus to clear your head ATTENTION: Remove all packaging before lighting. Never leave a burning candle unattended. Place in a fire safe container. Keep away from drafts, flammable objects, children, and pets. We've done all the work for you - each blend of herbs and oils is specially chosen to complement the intention of the candle."